Sound Baths & Energy Healing transpersonal all ways

Sound Baths & Energy Healing

Let your body, mind, heart and soul bathe in therapeutic sound and vibration,
with energy healing and sound therapy.

Each restorative session includes:
QiGong breathing and gentle movement exercises
Guided restorative meditation
Healing sounds of high quality sound bath instruments
No-touch energy healing
Tibetan bowls on your body to clear and open energy centers
Cacao, revitalizing herbal tea, and purified water

A short part of the session takes place while sitting or standing, and the rest takes place while lying down. The experience allows the body to reestablish its natural balance while creating space for insights in a unique way for each individual. The results are a sense of peace, bliss, wellbeing, presence, heightened awareness, emotional healing, relaxation of the mind, body, heart and spirit, and so much more. QiGong breath and energy work along with sound vibrations align, harmonize, and resonate with the body, having a wonderfully positive, healing effect on each cell of the body and the whole of our being.

a combination of the benefits of meditation, qigong, and sound vibration therapy
Positively affects cells in the body, promoting healthy regeneration

Stimulates circulation
Stimulates endocrine glands
Regulates hormonal functioning
Strengthens immune system
Reduces blood pressure
Aids recovery after illness, trauma, invasive medical treatments
Helps alleviate depression symptoms
Helps alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms
Promotes deep relaxation and meditative states
Soothes and harmonizes emotions and feelings
Regulates mood
Reduces stress
Reduces anxiety
Improves sleep quality
Helps to cope with life’s challenges
Supports healthy processing of grief
Balances both hemispheres of the brain
Increases focus and attention
Enhances memory
Enhances creativity and intuition
Increases motivation
Supports changes of old patterns or undesired behaviors, habits and ways of thinking
Connects to our core, essential self
Increases vital energy flow
Removes blockages and toxins
Enhance state of wellbeing