Green Burial for Reforestation & Land Conservation

Green Burial for Reforestation & Land Conservation

EKR México Centro Foundation collaborates with Green Burial Council to develop a practical plan to establish and operate a replicable system of conservation cemeteries in México

Traditional cemeteries are among the most toxic of modern landscapes in both their immediate and ongoing environmental impacts and intensive use of resources.

The standard conventional funeral is fraught with risks to our health and to the health of our environment, currently requiring toxic death management practices and the permanent installation of non-biodegradable vaults around non-biodegradable coffins or expending large amounts of energy, fuel and other resources in cremation, which generates toxic emissions.

The difference of the green burial is in the non-invasive and ecological methods used to care for the body before and during the burial, not in the way we honor our dead. Natural environment of green burials is conducive to traditional and spontaneous celebrations of life and recognition of its loss.

Especially here in Mexico we have a culture that already integrates death in a more natural way. Looking back, we take up the traditions of our ancestors and consider the legacy we can leave our future generations while honoring our loved ones, our lineage, and our land.

Conservation Cemeteries:

  • reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to the natural ecological cycle
  • occupy land with intrinsic ecological quality and significant social value
  • are managed as municipal cemeteries, land trusts, conservation lands, and perpetual recreational reserves
  • allow biodegradable coffins, shrouds, urns, mats, all made from local resources by local artisans
  • do not allow embalming liquids, vaults, herbicides or pesticides
  • mark locations by GPS, with traditional and alternative rituals and ceremonies
  • provide teaching and research opportunities
  • create recreational, cultural and spiritual activities, and opportunities for community building
  • protect and restore wildlife habitat
  • integrate sustainable communities of indigenous plants

Who is the Green Burial Council?
The Green Burial Council (GBC) is an independent educational and non-profit organization that provides environmental certificates for funeral homes, cemeteries, and product manufacturers. Advocacy and education efforts help funeral home providers, individuals, and organizations better understand the environmental, cultural, and economic benefits of ecological funeral practices.

Green Burial for Reforestation & Land Conservation in México & Beyond: honoring the past, responsible in the present, leaving a meaningful, valuable legacy for our future generations

Online informative event by the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation México Centro with headquarters in San Miguel de Allende, in collaboration with the Green Burial Council.

  • Learn about the history, requirements, functions, and services of green burial and conservation cemeteries
  • Learn about the best ecological practices for handling our remains, and their social and spiritual aspects
  • Find out how we may collaborate and contribute to such a noble cause as the green burial for reforestation movement and conservation of natural resources, which fosters a healthy relationship with death, our rites of death, the earth, and our legacy to future generations
  • Consider your meaningful contribution to make this option a reality within everyone’s reach

This is a free, live, online event open to all.Your donations to support this project are welcome!(PayPal to info at ekrmexico dot org in USD)

Thank you.