Compassionate Accompaniment Online Training

Compassionate Accompaniment Online Training

Compassionate Accompaniment & the Labor of the Life, Death & Transition Doula Online Training 

15-week, 60-hour experiential, immersive course

A Life, Death & Transition Doula is a compassionate companion, supporter, advocate, assistant to any person ready and willing to contemplate loss, grief, death and the natural cycles of living and dying in order to live a fuller, more meaningful life to its most peaceful end.

Compassionate Accompaniment is a state of being, a lifestyle, a spiritual practice, a natural human impulse, and a grossly untapped human potential.

In this experiential immersion training we explore and tap into our own depths and capacity for compassionate presence, care & accompaniment with self and other through the cycles of life-death-life.

COMPASSIONATE ACCOMPANIMENT & LABOR OF THE LIFE, DEATH & TRANSITION DOULA TRAININGS are offered three times per year, with start dates in the months of January and August. For more information, please scroll down and read below.

Course cycles begin January and September every year.

A Transpersonal Approach to Learning Online

Compassionate accompaniment is fundamental to any work of healing through life transitions, loss, traumatic event, natural disaster, and preparing for the end of life and what comes after death.

Throughout the course, students participate in a dynamic, experiential learning process that addresses all aspects of being: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

Transpersonal Goals

  • To provide a background in the models, approaches, and practices of compassionate accompaniment.
  • To help students inquire into the nature of their own and others’ subjective experience from an embodied, compassionate perspective.
  • To facilitate personal transformation as well as philosophical and action-oriented development to support a life of service.
  • To foment an embodied, compassionate, intentional personal and professional life in healthy relationship with our shared human vulnerability to change, loss and mortality.

We achieve these goals through readings, discussion forums, reflection exercises, creative explorations, inquiry into personal story, experiential activities, spiritual practices, individual and group tasks.

Compassionate accompaniment is fundamental to any work of service toward healing through loss, traumatic event, natural disaster, and preparing for the end of life.

The labor of the life, death & transition doula is founded upon compassionate accompaniment above all, while complementing the care provided by loved ones, palliative care and Hospice teams. Death doulas support patients, clients, and loved ones through physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual support to ease anxiety, aid in comfort, and develop enriching, personalized plans and rituals in the processes of preparing for loss, grief, dying, and everything that happens after death and loss.

Included in the 15-week training:

  • 30 video lessons introducing and expanding on each week’s topics and exercises
  • 12 informative slide show presentations
  • Weekly readings, self-inquiry exercises, experiential activities, creative exercises and explorations
  • Weekly group discussions
  • Guided meditations, guided visualizations and trance work
  • Our private learning platform and online community
  • Four 2-hour group video conference meetings
  • Four 1.5-hour small study group sessions
  • Certificate of participation from Espacio Formativo para la Integración de la Muerte, Fundación Elisabeth Kübler-Ross México Centro & course booklet upon completion of course requirements


  • Stories and Mythologies of Birth and Death
  • The Culture of Death Denial
  • Our Compassionate Impulse
  • The Practice of Self-Aweareness
  • The Labor of the Life, Death & Transition Doula
  • Conscious Living & Dying
  • The Nature of Change
  • Preparing for a Good Death
  • Creating & Sustaining Safety
  • Pain & Suffering
  • The Pillar of Patience
  • Symbolic Language, Visions & Dreams
  • The Art of Presence
  • The Power of the Imagination
  • The Importance of Ritual
  • Learning to Die
  • When Death is Near
  • The Neurobiology of Loss & Grief
  • Accompanying Losses
  • and more

Cost: $870.00 USD*

Compassionate Accompaniment Online Training begins

January and September each year


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“The Compassionate Accompaniment course was a very safe, vulnerable and creative course that did a wonderful job of presenting the information clearly and powerfully. There was a lot of really deep information that required deep connection with the heart, and a disengagement from the ego. I really enjoyed this experience and it opened a lot of doors for me that I didn’t know about, or had forgotten. This whole course was a wonderful reawakening for me. I loved and appreciated all of it!”
— Remy R., Minneapolis, USA

“The design of this course is very strong. It takes us down the garden path in a variety of formats. I like that there is a variety of topics and styles of presentation. The coursework and the material presented in the videos are excellent. Gifted people at the helm adds so much power to the coursework. I do feel like something alchemical happened for me here, and I thank you deeply for your part and contribution to my conscious evolution.”
— Christy H., San Miguel de Allende, MX